
I never had any ambitions to learn programming, but an old Mac program called HyperCard tricked me into it - it was the first IDE I had ever seen that was highly visual and intuitive. And also a lot of fun.

Apple had ambitions to make these tools part of QuickTime. Unfortunately, when Steve Jobs returned to Apple, he canceled the project, and HyperCard was shelved.

Macromedia Director and Flash followed, and eventually were also discontinued as well. So many scripting languages floating around in my head, like bad childhood pop song lyrics.

When people finally started to see the potential of the internet, WebObjects was one of the most advanced tools out there. It gave me limited exposure to Objective-C, ProjectBuilder, and a lot of the tools that eventually became Xcode.

I took a WebObjects class, and actually used it in some projects. Admittedly, I could not wrap my head around Objective-C, and the legacy of APIs Apple had accumulated. It wasn’t until the introduction of Swift that I found myself digging around Xcode, and discovered SpriteKit, one of Apple’s game APIs.

SpriteKit and Swift felt like HyperCard in a lot of ways.

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